Wednesday, June 6, 2012


This is an artist portfolio that was posted as one of the top websites for designers. I usually research a lot so I was very disappointed when I realize that this isn't a design site but a design page. The grid structures work really well and it has a clean look to it. The logo design works really well also, but like I said I couldn't really call it a website—more like a web page. 

Monday, June 4, 2012


These photos where some ok of the most interesting pieces that i've seen within the section of the artomatic I visited. Each style was different and you could tell how passionate the artist was. My favorite was the serpent made out of wire to represent a sea creature. Each peice gave me new thoughts about the color scheme and grid structure in my designs. All in all I was really inspired by each individual piece.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Good Design

These are two interesting logo designs I found on What I liked the most was that each logo has a unique feel to it as well as plays more with the negative space than most logos. On the "Brand Union" logo I like how the distortment of shapes created an urban and unique feel towards it. On the second logo i love how the designer used two separate concepts and joined them into one.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Rush hour reinvented

Now this was something new to see on the metro. Better concept and color conrast than the other metro ads